Transparency Policy

All employees at the Rail Ombudsman are committed to ensuring openness and transparency so that participating service providers, members of the public and other stakeholders know why the service exists, what it does and what to expect from it.

The Rail Ombudsman is operated by the Dispute Resolution Ombudsman Limited (“the Company”).


The objects for which the Company is established are:

  1. to establish, operate and promote an ombudsman scheme for the processing of complaints and the determination of disputes in relation to the provision of goods and services;
  2. to promote improvements of trading standards and to issue and operate codes of practice in relation to the production and distribution of goods and sale of goods and services;
  3. the promotion of customer protection;
  4. development and promotion of effective dispute resolution between any parties; and
  5. the provision of advice and training services in relation to the above.

To demonstrate our commitment to openness, honesty and integrity and our compliance with our obligations, we have taken the following steps to ensure transparency:

Information on our Website

The Rail Ombudsman is committed to being effective and publicly accessible and we recognise that our website offers an initial and one-stop portal to who we are and what we do. This is crucial to raise consumer awareness of the service. Further, since our members have committed to play a positive and full role in the Rail Ombudsman service, this is an important portal to encourage all stakeholder engagement.

Accessible Formats

Our information is available in accessible formats and hard copy upon request or for use by all of our staff in response to a specific enquiry.

All staff are trained on the basis of our transparency and independence and are therefore able to respond appropriately to queries in order to demonstrate our commitment to our core values, in particularly openness, honesty and integrity.